Enric Jaèn

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Student: Enric Jaèn
Title: Improving the Interoperability of Web Services
e-mail: [email protected]
Affiliation: UPC
Supervisor: Joan Serrat
Start: 2003
End: 2008


PhD project description

The Web Services Architecture describes the technology to enable platform-independent services. In addition the Web Services Protocol Stack comprises a series of WS-* specifications which add additional non-functional capabilities to the service such as security, reliable messaging, transactions, policies, management, etc.

Because Web Services have been widely accepted by the IT community (companies, universities, organizations), a lot of investment has been made to implement many of the specifications and inter-operate between them. However, the level of interoperability that clients achieve depends on the language being used to develop the client: popular languages (such as Java and .NET) are supported by many projects involved, meanwhile other languages still lack to support many of the specifications. In addition, implementations tend to be very experimental and developed by individuals or small groups without continuity.

To really take advantage of the web service, clients (irrespective of their language and platform) should be able to inter-operate smoothly with these services at all the levels of the Web Services stack; from the basic level allowing them to consume or produce any data published by the service, up to support any non-functional capability offered by the service.

Given the above situation, our claim is that interoperability of web services would increase if clients were able to reuse parts of the more advanced web service stacks, or other pieces of software such as algorithms, even if they are written in different languages.

The technology needed for running cross-language applications inside the same host already exists, however it has still not been applied to web services. The goal of this thesis is to evaluate this technology for building reusable components that can be integrated into any web service stack (either at the client or service side), improving therefore their interoperability at any level.


  1. E.Jaén, J.Serrat "EVALUATION OF AN ARCHITECTURE ENABLING PLUGGABLE WEB SERVICES", 23th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks (PDCN-2005), pp.430-435, Innsbruck, Austria, 15-17 February, 2005
  2. E.Jaén, J.Serrat "OPENING WEB SERVICES WITH USER ADAPTATIONS",IADIS Applied Computing 2005, Vol.2, pp.21-26, Algarve, Portugal, 22-25 February, 2005
  3. E.Jaén, J.Serrat "WSODL – AN OBJECT-ORIENTED SPECIFICATION FOR RPC-BASED WEB SERVICES", 9th IEEE Int. EDOC Conference (EDOC 2005) – Middleware for WEB Services Workshop, pp.53-56, Enschede, The Netherlands, 19-23 September, 2005
  4. E.Jaén, J.Serrat, E.Luque "IMPROVING WEB SERVICES INTEROPERABILITY WITH BINDING EXTENSIONS", 2007 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2007), pp.873-879, Salt Lake City, USA, 9-13 July, 2007

Additional information

External links

  • [_URL_ Homepage] of Enric Jaèn
  • Publications of Enric Jaèn, as indexed by DBLP