Iyad Tumar

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Student: Iyad Tumar
Title: Resource Management of Disruption Tolerant Networks
e-mail: [email protected]
Affiliation: Jacobs University
Supervisor: Jürgen Schönwälder
Committee: Jürgen Schönwälder (Jacobs), Harald Haas (Jacobs),

Rolf Stadler (KTH)

Start: 2007
End: 2010
Funding: EMANICS


yad Tumar is Research Associate and PhD student of Smart Systems program at School of Engineering and Science at Jacobs University Bremen. His research topic is resource management of disruption tolerant networks under supervision of Professor Dr. Jürgen Schönwälder. He is a member of Computer Networks and Distributed Systems group. He received his Bachelor degree in electrical engineer (communications) in 2002 and his master degree in computational science in 2006 from Birzeit University in Palestine. His research interests are resource management of disruption tolerant networks, wireless sensor networks, underwater networks, network management. He is a member of EMANICS, and he has been a member of the local organization of the 2nd International Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security AIMS2008.

PhD project description

Disruption and delay tolerant networks (DTNs) are considered as an interesting and important research areas, and attract researchers's attention last few years. They differ from traditional networks due to their special characteristics such as: frequent partitions, intermittent connectivity, and potentially long message delivery delay.

DTNs have many applications in remote and hazardous areas where the energy sources are constrained. These applications are assumed to operate over long period of time. Therefore, an efficient power management schemes are necessary to save energy and prolong the network life time. Based on DTNs characteristics and Since the network connectivity opportunities in such networks are rare, nodes are allowed to sleep by aggressively disabling their radios to save power.

The goal of this work is to develop a new power management scheme of disruption tolerant networks to save energy and extend the network life time. A big challenge is to balance between sleep periods and wake up periods to avoid missing opportunities communication between nodes.

The new power management approach combines an asynchronous approach, where nodes work on their own wake up schedules without synchronized clocks, with an on-demand scheme, where a low power radio (LPR) is used to search about contacts and a high power radio (HPR) undertakes the actual data transmission. By using this LPR, a significant amount of energy can be saved during searching mode.


  1. A. Sehgal, I. Tumar, J. Schönwälder: AquaTools: An Underwater Acoustic Networking Simulation Toolkit. IEEE Oceans, Sydney, May 2010
  2. A. Sehgal, I. Tumar, J. Schönwälder: Effects of Climate Change and Anthropogenic Ocean Acidification on Underwater Acoustic Communications. IEEE Oceans, Sydney, May 2010
  3. K.D. Korte, I. Tumar, J. Schönwälder: Evaluation of 6lowpan Implementations. 4th IEEE International Workshop on Practical Issues in Building Sensor Network Applications (SenseApp 2009), IEEE, October 2009.
  4. I. Tumar, A. Sehgal, J. Schönwälder: Power Management for Sparse Acoustic Underwater Networks. 6th IEEE Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON 2009), June 2009.
  5. H.M. Tran, I. Tumar, J. Schönwälder: NETCONF Interoperability Testing. 3rd Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security (AIMS 2009), Enschede, Springer LNCS 5637, June 2009.
  6. A. Sehgal, I. Tumar, J. Schönwälder: Variability of Available Capacity due to the Effects of Depth and Temperature in the Underwater Acoustic Communication Channel. IEEE OCEANS 2009, Bremen, May, 2009.
  7. I.Tumar, J. Schönwälder: Resource Management of Disruption Tolerant Networks. 2nd Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security (AIMS 2008), Bremen, July 2008. Springer LNCS 5127.

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