Pau Vallés

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Student: Pau Vallés
Title: Context Aware Web Search Engines
e-mail: [email protected]
Affiliation: UPC
Supervisor: Joan Serrat
Start: 2008
End: 2011


PhD project description

Web search engines return the same output to a given input regardless of who made the request. But the context of the user is meaningful in most cases. This means that depending on the context of the user the reply from the search engine must be different; in other words, it must be adapted to the user context. This is an important fact, as different people may have different interests.

The main aim of this PhD project is to propose mechanisms to allow web search engines to be aware of the user's context. Existing search engines already have some information about users interests (their bookmarks file for instance). The base ground is to increase this knowledge by analysing and modelling navigation sequences from the users. With this analysis we want to find what web pages and topics are of interest for every user; furthermore we will also be able to determine when a topic or a web page ceases of being of user's interest. So that the web searcher can anticipate and guess with more confidence what pages are of interest for each user at any time.


Additional information

External links

  • [_URL_ Homepage] of Pau Vallés
  • Publications of Pau Vallés, as indexed by DBLP